If your favorite quote server is not listed, see the note at the end of this page.

Quote Server


Australian Stock Exchange   See note below!
BigCharts (Charts only)    
La Bourse de Bruxelles    
Canada Stockwatch (stocks and mutual funds)   Delayed only at present.
Data Broadcasting Corporation    
Datek (Real-Time) check.gif (121 bytes) Apply for an account.
Discover Brokerage Inc. check.gif (121 bytes) Register for public access.
E*Trade check.gif (121 bytes) Apply for an account
Register for public access (free)
Johannesburg Stock Exchange    
Les Echos - Paris    
National Stock Exchange of India    
NETworth (Quicken Financial Network)    
Pacific Brokerage Services    
Pathfinder (Money Online)    
PC Quote, Inc. (Delayed and Real-Time). check.gif (121 bytes) Register for free delayed quotes or subscribe to real-time quotes (fee).
Prague Stock Exchange    
Quicken Australia check.gif (121 bytes) Register (must be resident of Australia).
Security APL Inc.    
Swissquote check.gif (121 bytes) Password required for real-time only, delayed quotes are free.
Subscribe to real-time quotes (monthly fee).
Thomson RTQ (FREE Real-Time) check.gif (121 bytes) Register for free real-time quotes (limit: 100/day).
Yahoo US    
Yahoo UK (quotes for London, Paris, Frankfurt, Milano, Madrid, Stockholm and Oslo)    
Yahoo Australia and New Zealand   End of day only
Yahoo Japan    

Important note concerning ASX (Australiam Stock Exchange):  The quote server used by WinStock and WinStock Pro has recently changed to provide only end of day quotes.  We now recommend using the Quicken Australia quote server for live quotes.


Favorite Quote Server Not Listed?

We are constantly adding support for additional quote servers.  If you have a favorite quote server and would like WinStock and WinStock Pro to support it, please make sure that the answer to each of the following questions is YES:

Does the quote server have a way of requesting a quote for specific securities?  Some quote servers simply return a page with a list of many securities, sometimes grouped by first letter of the alphabet and sometimes by industry.  These quote servers cannot be used by WinStock and WinStock Pro.  WinStock and WinStock Pro need to be able to ask the quote server for a quote on a single security or a specific set of securities.
Does the quote server allow access by automatic programs such as WinStock and WinStock Pro.  For example, the quote server at http://www.freerealtime.com has a specific policy prohibiting access by programs such as WinStock and WinStock Pro.   Such a quote server cannot be used.
Does the quote server add value to WinStock and WinStock Pro.  We are willing to be flexible.  Interesting quote servers cover securities and exchanges not currently covered by WinStock and WinStock Pro.  Some quote servers are simply mirrors of existing, supported quote servers.  We do try for some overlap to allow for the fact that quote servers become unavailable and want to make sure there is a second source for quotes when needed.
Can WinStock Software get access to the quote server.  We need to be able to have access to the quote server on a long-term basis at low or no cost.  Some quote servers require an account to be opened.   If the account is free, we're happy to open the account and support the server (E*Trade, Datek, Discover for example).    If the account requires the deposit of securities, we cannot afford to do this for every quote server.  If you are a customer of such an organization, give them a call.  If you can arrange for WinStock Software to have access to a free account, we'll support the quote server (if technically feasible).

If your selected quote server has passed this test, please contact us.  We'll get back to you and let you know if it can be supported.




Send mail to webmaster@winstocksw.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997-2003 WinStock Software
Last modified: January 02, 2005